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The options in this submenu can be accessed from:


Work with jobs 

This option runs the Job manager that lets you work with the jobs submitted on the PC and the AS/400.


This option can be accessed directly (with no need to expand the Utilities submenu) if the Environments context-sensitive menu is used.


Work with corrections 

This option opens the Correction manager for the current environment.

This option is only active in correction environments.


This option can be accessed directly (with no need to expand the Utilities submenu) if the Environments context-sensitive menu is used.


Find objects 

This option opens the Maintenance manager, which lets you search for details of the objects handled in Adelia Studio.



This option opens the Exchange manager, which lets you send models or objects from an environment to a buffer and vice versa. You can also display the contents of a buffer.



This option opens the Translation manager, which lets you translate generated Adelia and Visual Adelia programs.



This option opens the Installation program manager, which lets you create installation and update programs for client and/or server workstations.


Individual comparison 

This option opens a dialog box that lets you select two objects in either one or two environments and runs the comparison of their source code.


Global comparison 

This option opens a dialog box that lets you create a list of comparison elements belonging to two different environments and runs the source comparison procedure.


Build components 

This option opens the build component manager used to define the components and their dependencies which are used during Adelia component-based build.


File of files 

This option opens a dialog box that lets you work with the list of user files (the file of files).

It is associated with the Adelia Studio command USERF.

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