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The ADELJOB command can be used to create jobs in the Adelia Studio Job manager's submitted job queue.


There are different kinds of jobs:

  • Generate the PDM:

- for join entities,

- for logical entities (with Btrieve generation procedures, the procedure is run immediately without using the job manager).

  • Generate error message files (with Btrieve generation procedures for Adelia programs generated in C, the job is created in the job manager's compiling job queue).

  • Generate programs.

  • Execute a DOS command line (known as a free execution job):

  1. This job, which is stored in the Submitted job queue, creates a job in the Adelia Studio job manager's Compiling job queue.
  2. Once active, the second job executes the DOS command line.

Note: This approach means compilation jobs and free execution jobs are processed in chronological order. Thus, an execution job that entails the use of a generation job cannot be executed until the generation job is complete.

If you want to perform an action on an AS/400 object once it has been compiled by the job manager, you should remember to execute an SBMJOB in the server part of your free execution job, with the same job queue (JOBQ) as used by the compilation jobs.


When ADELJOB is executed, a value is returned, indicating whether or not the job was created successfully. There are two ways to retrieve this value:

  • using the system variable errorlevel, if ADELJOB is executed from a DOS command file (*.BAT file),
  • using the reserved word *RETURN_CODE, if ADELJOB is executed from a Visual Adelia program using the EXECUTE_CMD instruction. The following values can be returned:


The job was created successfully.


A Windows error occurred and the job could not be created.


The job could not be created because the command line syntax was incorrect.


The job could not be created because an error occurred while connecting to the environment.


The job could not be created because a DB error occurred during the job creation procedure.


In synchronous mode, the job of generating or compiling has ended with an error.




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