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Filters are available in the following dialog boxes:


There are three types of filter:



Predefined filters

The predefined filters are the following:

My requests

Requests assigned to the current user.

My reports

Requests created by the current user.

Recently created

Requests created in the last 7 days.

Recently modified

Requests modified in the last 7 days.

Recently resolved

Requests resolved in the last seven days.


For the predefined filters, the display is limited by a software engineer parameter (500 by default).



Filtres utilisateur

To create a customised filter, choose the Customised option in the filter management combo.

This option opens a dialog box allowing to define a user filter.


When a customised filter is selected, the Edit and Delete buttons appear to the right of the combo list. These buttons allow to modify or to delete the selected filter.


Data entered

Filter name

Specify here the name of the filter that you wish to create.

The filter will appear in the filter management combo between the predefined filters and the "Customised" option.

This field is active if the "Quick filter" box is unchecked.

This field is not available when editing an existing customised filter.


Quick filter

Uncheck this box to be able to save a customised filter.

This check box is not available when editing an existing customised filter.


The custom filter is used to select requests corresponding to the following criteria:


  • Project,

Note : When you are working at Repository level, you can access projects configured in the different environment application areas. When you are working at application area level, only the project associated with the application area is available.


  • User assigned to the request,
  • User who created the request,
  • Type,
  • Priority,
  • Status,
  • Resolution,
  • Versions affected by the problem,
  • Corrected versions,
  • Components affected by the problem.


Limit results to x records

Specify here the maximum number of requests to be displayed when the filter is used.



Quick filter

The quick filter allows to define the selection criteria for the requests without creating and saving a customised filter.


To activate the quick filter mode, check the corresponding box in the dialog box used to create a customised filter.



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