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This page lets you run the integration process. The list contains the steps performed during the integration process, based on your initial choices. During processing, each line is updated to track progress and show the result of each step.


The various steps might be:

  • Generate the source files (and the files that enable them to be compiled).

    Generate the documentation (useful for Visual Adelia application developers).

    Generate the information file (useful if the same ActiveX control is subsequently integrated again).

    Compile the source files (to create the .DLL file referenced by the basic graphical object).

    Generate the debugging data (useful in order to obtain access to the properties of a control based on an ActiveX while using the Visual Adelia debugger).

    Copy the .DLL and documentation files to the additional directory (used by Adelia Studio's applications to load graphical objects correctly).

    Create the graphical object corresponding to the generated .DLL file in the selected environments.

    Generate the integration report, summarizing the execution of each step in the integration process.

Clicking Integrate runs the integration process.

You can interrupt the process by clicking the Cancel button located below the list.

Clicking Report displays the integration report.


 Click here for more information about source file compilation errors.




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