To create or modify the functions which will be entered as DDS keywords, and possibly associated with an indicator, click the Other parameters button of one the following dialog boxes:




List of all the other parameters already defined.

One of them can be selected: in this case, the possible indicator number and the DDS function appear in the entry fields where they can be modified.

Single-selection list.


Data entry


This indicator conditions the function specified in the "Function" field.

Optional entry.



Any DDS keyword relative to the management of screen formats can be entered here.


Note: The syntax of the keywords used here is not controlled by Adelia. An error results in a dispaly file compilation failure.




This button adds to the list a parameter defined in the "Indicator" and "Function" fields, but which is not already listed.



This button validates the modification of the parameter.

It is only active when a parameter was selected in the list, and modified in the entry fields.



This button deletes the selected formats from the list.

It is not active when no parameter is selected in the list.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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