You can use the UpdCRDateFields tool to automatically convert all DATE and TIME fields to DATE/TIME fields in "Crystal Reports" reports, for either an Adelia environment or a directory containing .RPT files.


As well as converting the DATE type to the DATE/TIME type, the field formatting attributes are also changed so that only the DATE field is displayed.


As well as converting the TIME type to the DATE/TIME type, the field formatting attributes are also changed so that only the TIME field is displayed.


In addition, the tool generates an execution report in text format. This report:



Tool syntax:

Updating an Adelia environment:

UpdCRDateFields /ENV:EnvName  /OUT:OutputFileName


> UpdCRDateFields /ENV:KBADEL /OUT:c:\tmp\report.txt


Updating reports (.RPT files) in a directory:

UpdCRDateFields /DIR:DirName  /OUT:OutputFileName


> UpdCRDateFields /DIR:d:\appli\objects /OUT:c:\tmp\report.txt


Note: As a precautionary measure, we recommend backing up the Adelia environment before using the UpdCrDateFields tool.

When the tool is run for a directory, the original versions of the modified RPT files are stored in the %TEMP% directory.



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